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Nick Hudson Resigns as ASUO Finance Coordinator

Just a few minutes ago I was handed an envelope containing Nick Hudson’s resignation from the ASUO. In it, Hudson criticizes the current state of the ASUO:

The ASUO is all about advocating for your own special interests, not what is best of the entire student population. The ASUO Executive was successful in quashing OSPIRG’s gratuitous and wanton request of a position that had no intention of benefiting the student population. Furthermore, specific individuals within the ASUO continuously advocate for their particular interests, rather than what it best for everyone. As you may well be aware, the EMU Board is discussing moving the Leadership Resource Office to the arcade space, simply because the Survival Center does not want to move. The Survival Center states that it has a history where it is at. Well, the LRO does as well. Moreover, more students need and want leadership training. By expanding the LRO into a place that is more open to the entire student body, instead of in a dark corner with no visibility, leadership will expand on campus. Instead, personal aggrandizement and politics have played a role in this debate. The Survival Center has won simply because individuals on the EMU Board, deciding whether or not to move the LRO, have not recused themselves from the debate even though they are members of the Survival Center or the groups located in that office space. If this is not a violation of students trust to do what is necessary and right, then I don’t know what is.


In short, the ASUO is full of incompetent individuals who just want to benefit themselves or their particular group. They will frivolously spend your hard earned dollars, while doing nothing to benefit your lives.

He also touches on the elections and his girlfriend Amy DuFour’s recent resignation:

Personal character attacks run rampant in the ASUO. The most recent of which was against Amy DuFour. Although I am tied to her, I believe someone must state something for the record. She had a minor in PPPM. She was representing the AAA department as required under the constitution. She was forced to resign because of political reasons. Jared Axelrod and Stephanie Erickson forced Amy to resign because “she was not representing her constituency”. My question is this: Who are they to determine that she was not representing her constituency? She was approved to run in the Spring by the ASUO Elections Board AND in the fall by ASUO President Adam Walsh. She had served the Student Senate and her constituency with the most up most grace, diligence and honor, which can not be said for other senators. The particular minor in question is represented by no one. If you are part of a department, either through major or minor, you should be able to run and serve that constituency.


Had Amy had been confronted with this before, she would have resigned then. Instead, they waited until election season to create a story. These individuals never removed Tyrel Love when he was sleeping during senate meetings, nor Jessica Nair who never showed up to meetings during her last few months as senator. Nor have they taken any action against the missed meetings of Senator Brown.

Near the end, he addresses Walsh and Coy directly:

A word of wisdom to Adam and Kyla:
Do something that will actually benefit students. Know what you are doing and why it is important. Do your research before Senate in order to not look like an idiot. Stand your principles. Stand against the Conduct Code provisions because they will hurt all students. Don’t listen to the psycho-babble bullshit the Ad Hoc Committee is giving to the campus community and don’t stand for it. Take a charge against it immediately. Recruit people to go to the meetings where it is discussed and tell administrators that the changes will hurt students. I have lost my faith in your ability to truly lead this campus. People are taking over student government in a pseudo coup-de-tat. They are controlling you and you don’t even realize it. Don’t stand for bullshit from staff and certainly not from senators. While I am grateful for helping you out, I feel as if it was a waste. The promise I was bought into with my vote as been broken.

Quite frankly, I’m shocked. More to come soon, I’m sure. Note that quotes are direct and without any modification.

  1. Adam Turcott says:

    I say our profession because some of us take sudden government seriously. We should be professional when it concerns student government because we deal with other peoples money. In fact we allocate millions of dollars of other peoples money. This is minor league politics and student government is serious business. That is to say that student government is used to advance student issues and for some it is a platform to pursue later politics. Furthermore, It is necessary to maintain a high level of professionalism, we are not in High school any longer. I’m sorry Anthony thinks this is a big joke, student leaders spend long hours advocating for students who don’t even know they exist. To say this is not our profession and that we are just students is to say that those who represent us in congress are just citizens. Nick Hudson is a very passionate person, and in being so he issued a very passionate resignation. This is not “hilarious”. Student politics will not be taken seriously as long as students don’t take them seriously. We are in college, grow up.

  2. J says:

    I think it is kind of honorable what Nick did. It is about time someone stood up against what they believe is wrong. The timing of his girlfriends…firing?…is somewhat fishy, as well as some of the other latest ASUO incidents.

  3. The All Knowing Insider says:

    I have to agree with Anthony in that Nick tried to make a stand and statement against possible wrongs within the ASUO when he quit. He makes some good points which are almost defeated by his over aggressive tone and the fact he is so pissed off about the girl he is “tied” to getting called out at Senate. It is hard to say if that was a clacualted move by Senate officials or not. It is hard to take someone shouting conspiracy theory that serious. And the mental imagine of NICK HUDSON shouting conspiracy is almost laughable.

  4. Anthony says:

    I would agree Olly. I think Nick’s resignation letter was hilarious. For those to say that the ASUO or working for student government is a profession, they have to be on crack. There is no profession, just students. I would also agree that by making his resignation letter public, he wanted others to know what exactly is going on in Suite 4 and what is needed to change it. If he wanted to resign quietly and leave issues larger untouched, he would have done so; however, it seems to me that he believed it was important to address larger issues for the betterment of the ASUO, if ever possible (highly doubtful).

  5. Olly says:

    I’m going to go out on a limb here and predict a difference of opinion between the student-politics people and the student-journalism people regarding the propriety of writing an entertaining and public resignation letter on your way out of Suite 4.

  6. Slade says:

    Not only is it not the proper way to step down, it’s mildly amusing in light of the fact that Nick has been, to the best of my knowledge, involved in student government for most of his college career.

  7. Olly says:

    “Our profession”? Did I miss something? We’re still talking about student government, right?

  8. Adam Turcott says:

    Wholly unprofessional. This is not the proper way to step down in our profession. Disappointing.

  9. The All Knowing Insider says:

    I am shocked frankly, it seems Nick Hudson actually has a shred of honor. This isn;t the Nick Hudson I used to know. Backstabbing, cutthroat, do anything to help my agenda…or is this another tactic to bring him even more fame? It was Henry Kissenger who said… “University politics are vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.”

  10. Nick H says:

    I don’t know if I should dignify “Allison’s” response with an answer, but it goes to show that the ASUO is once again engaging in politics of personal destruction and not working for students. As I stated in my resignation letter, I realize that I was naive enough to believe in the power of the ASUO. I learned first hand that working in the ASUO is about choice: whether to stay working with a bunch of clowns or do something that actually matters. I personally am choosing the latter and indoctrinating high shool students minds with “pyscho-babble bullshit” in New York City.

    For the record: Amy DuFour and I are dating, i.e in a relationship. I stragetically used the word tied because everyone else has been using tied to as well. Perhaps connected would have been a more optimal word choice; however, I stand by my assertions that the ASUO is not worth my time. I just wish student government leaders would work for students and produce results rather than focusing in on particular people. And for that matter, if Allison were to truly reveal her identity, I am positive that it is in no way related to any Allison that has ever worked in the ASUO. I have a feeling that they were using this pseudonym in reference to my running mate last year. This could be a guess, but I am pretty sure that Allison is someone who still works in the ASUO, wasting student dollars.

    Timothy is correct: I learned first hand politics of choice. I only wish I made the right choice a long time ago. But then again, it wouldn’t have allowed so many people the pleasure of destroying one’s character, not allowed for this satirical discussion.

  11. Olly says:

    Some interesting points here, only slightly undermined by the triumphant creation of the term “coup-de-tat”.

    Oh, and “tied” might not have been the optimal word choice, but it’s not sexist in the slightest. He meant connected. Linked. If there’s a fault there, it’s that he’s not disclosing the personal nature of the connection.

    Although if he was literally tied to her, that would have made for a much more entertaining campaign.

  12. Timothy says:

    Just curious, is that a refernce to animals or some S&M fantasy he

  13. Tyler says:

    I love the ASUO.

  14. Allison says:

    About time Nick left the ASUO! The only psycho-babble bullshit coming through that office was coming out of his sexist mouth. There is so much wrong in what Nick wrote that it supports my theory that the boy lacks critical thinking skills. He refers to his relationship to his girlfriend as being “tied” to her? Wow, what a lucky lady she is… Just curious, is that a refernce to animals or some S&M fantasy he’s been harboring?

  15. Miles Rost says:

    Good. More power to him.

  16. Timothy says:

    Another potential headline: Nick Hudson learns first-hand lesson in public choice theory.

  17. Meghann says:

    Droppin’ bombs…

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